A stress free holiday season is a goal to always try to have. It can be accomplished if we keep these tips in mind and remember to enjoy this time of year.
Christmas has seemed to take a different turn than what it truly should be about. The focus has become more about shopping and going to so many different events and buying the newest Christmas decor and even Santa. Don’t get me wrong, those things are not all bad. It just depends on how we view them and what our priorities are behind all those differnt things. I enjoy shopping for Christmas gifts and going to or hosting holiday events. BUT, as a Christian, my focus is on Jesus’ birth. In order to keep that in mind, however, I need to make sure I can manage my stress level and prioritize this Christmas season.
Make lists
For a stress free holiday, I make sure to have multiple lists. Here are some lists that I follow and use during the Christmas season.
- Gifts list – Who I need to buy for and what gifts I am giving.
- Food list – What meals or gatherings do I need to have different foods for.
- Baking list – Cookies that I want to bake as well as who we will give cookie baskets to.
- Events list – Extra events we plan to attend or want to try to do ( this usually goes in my planner).
- Christmas card list – If you send a card, an address list is helpful to save from year to year.
Keeping everything on paper, on the Notes app or even Google can help our brains feel less overloaded with all the things that are needing to be done this time of year. Personally, I’m a paper person, so this Christmas Planner is just the thing for me. My friend, Hilary at Old World Home on YouTube, created a Christmas planner that has all these lists consolidated into one place.
Keep decorations simple and organized
Another way to help create a stress free holiday is to keep all the Christmas decorations organized and simple. Having all the decorations in bins that are labeled and easy to understand is key. That way when it’s time to decorate, we know just what we have.
My Christmas decor is pretty simple and honestly affordable. My Cozy Cottage Christmas Home Tour share how I used affordable and timeless decor in my home. Christmas decor does not have to scream at you, but it can be whispered in different ways throughout the home.
Do tasks before December
We want December to be as stress free as possible. If many of our tasks can get done before December even arrives then we will be in a much better place. One good example is cooking making. In our home, we like to make all the cookie dough in November, roll out the dough balls and freeze them. They are great to pull out when it’s time to make up those cookie baskets.
If you also are on the ball, getting most of the Christmas shopping done early can be a game changer. No more last minute stress and anxiety when buying gifts. All there is to worry about in December is the wrapping.
Another task that I get done early is decorating. Some of you are probably thinking, wait, you can’t decorate before Thanksgiving. I here you, but, I love the glow of all the added lights and warmth that a decorated home gives, even before Thanksgiving. Plus, it helps alleviate some stress that could be added in December.
Have a good morning routine
This stress free holiday tip is actually a great tip for life. Having a good morning routine for yourself can make or break the day. I shared my Morning Routine awhile ago and how that has been so helpful for my mental, physical and spiritual well-being. During the Christmas time, taking effort to continue those habits of exercise, Bible reading, quiet time and healthy eating, will make the holiday season less stressful.
Keep the home tidy and decluttered
Having too much stuff in the home can be overwhelming any time of the year, but especially during the holiday time. We all know our kids will be getting more toys and more stuff will be coming into the home for Christmas. Making sure to keep the house picked up, to the best of our ability, will be helpful when those random neighbors stop by to drop off Christmas goodies. Also, taking time to declutter before Christmas can help us evaluate what the kids need for Christmas and also what really can be gotten rid of. Less is more when it comes to stuff.
Take time to enjoy
Taking time to enjoy the special moments during the holiday season is truly important. A stress free holiday means stopping and cherrishing the little things. Sit and read the Christmas books to the kids, go for a walk in the brisk air (if you are in the colder climates), go for a drive to look at Christmas lights, make a Christmas treat with the kids or enjoy a special holiday coffee drink. Many times that we can miss those little things because we get sucked into all that needs to get done. Truly, take time to enjoy and be present in the Christmas season with the ones we love.
Focus on the reason for the season
In order to truly have a stress free holiday season then focus on the true meaning of Christmas…JESUS. As a Christian and Believer in Jesus Christ, my main reason for Christmas should be His birth. When the focus gets put on all the other parts that can be included in Christmas, then the strain of everything hightens.
I love this time of year, because it means so much to us who believe in Jesus. I hope that you all can enjoy the Christmas season as much as I do. Celebrate all the things that Christmas brings and cherish in the Saviors birth.
Merry Christmas friends,
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