Daily morning habits can be very important in our lives. Whether the habit is good or bad, we all have daily morning habits. Habits affect us in how we feel and behave mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically. Daily morning habits and routines should be a part of each our lives. Here are 7 daily morning habits to enhance our lives for the better.
Wake up Early
The first of the daily morning habits is to wake up early. I do not mean wake up 10 minutes before you need to leave for work or just early enough to make coffee and get the kids out the door for school. Waking up early, as I have found, is an hour or more before the kids are up. Early should allow for us not to feel rushed with the impending day and this daily morning habit should give us time to ourselves. This habit can be a challenge if you are not used to going to bed early the night before or are accustomed to sleeping in. Daily morning habits often have to be trained and practiced, but waking up early can definitily be accomplished.

Spend time reading a devotional and/or the Bible
The second of the daily morning habits is making time to read the Bible and devotional. This time that is spent in God’s Word is done during the time that I get up early. Having time to take in what God is sharing through His Word and what is studied in the devotional, sets our minds and souls correctly for the day. I have noticed that on days I do not get my Bible time in, I feel more stressed and am less prepared for my role as a homemaker. This part of the morning is one that I value and look forward to each and every day.

Write down a plan or list for the day
The third of the daily morning habits is to have an agenda written down for the day. Knowing what we want to accomplish for the day and having a visual can help us stay on track. Getting our lists made, whether in our planners, on a notepad or in our phones, helps us create goals for the day. There is also something about a checklist that is so satisfying, especially when we can check off the tasks we’ve accomplished. It seems contradictory, but freedom can also be found in a day when we have an idea of what we need to get done. Without a list, I often feel like I am wasting time and unsure what I should really be doing for the day. Having this daily morning habit will allieviate the time wasters and produce a a happy self.

The fourth of the daily morning habits is to stay hydrated. Looking at some clinical research women are supposed to drink 11.5 cups of fuid per day. That does not solely include water, but other drinks and foods that contain fluid. With that said, drinking water is still a very important part of a morning routine and habit to have. I have found that drinking water before coffee and before eating anything, aids in my digestion and is a boost to my metabolism. For those busy days, getting the water in early is crucial as this

Move the body
The fifth of the daily morning habits is to move our bodies. Stretching and some form of exercise is a sure way to start the day. After sleeping for 8 hours (hopefully) our bodies can be stiff and sometimes sore. Taking 15-30 minutes to stretch out those tight muscles and activate our metabolism can give us a boost for the day. Exercise can also happen other times throughout the day. For instance, I often take walks with my girls, weed and hoe in my garden or pull the sled through the snow. The dedicated time in the morning for moving our bodies, however, is very satisfying and highly recommended.
Get ready for the day
The sixth of the daily morning habits is to get ready for the day. This habit has been a game changer for me as I feel much more prepared to conquer my goals for the day. Dressing in a currated outfit, doing our hair and putting a little make-up on gives us the confidence we desire. There is something to be said about a well dressed and put together lady. Whether you work out of the home or tend to the home, looking put together is a valuable part of who we are as homemakers.

Meal plan
The seventh of the daily morning habits is to establish the evening meal. This is a habit one that I believe to be crucial for a successful day. Getting a plan, buying the food and prepping the meal, sets us up for a less stressful evening. Making sure to at least have the meat thawing and the side dishes established each morning, gives us a head start for the rush of the supper meal. Plan ahead and make my easy dump chili recipe! For me, I wll often create a weekly meal plan. This not only helps me feel prepared for the meals ahead, but it also seems to save on our food budget. Knowing what each meal requires for ingredients, means less impulse buying, take out orders and less visits to the grocery store.

A little lesson to learn about habits
Daily morning habits take time to adjust to. Not all these habits will come together at once. Give yourself some grace when starting a new habit and know that failure is the key to success. If you can change your morning for the better, even just with one of these, then you have done yourself some good. I hope the best for you in your daily morning habits!
Hi Davee! I so agree with your list! I rise about 4:00am every morning no matter what time I go to sleep (no alarm), I just wake up! My problem is getting a good night’s sleep. My average sleep is 2 to 3 hours a night and when I was younger, it never bothered me but now as I’m older, I feel as though I’m dragging my feet every day. But I’m working on finding better sleep. I meal plan too, it makes our life easier day to day and on grocery day too. Have a great week!!!
I hope you can figure something out with your sleep. It’s so important for our health to get a good amount of sleep. Meal planning is a must for a successful week for me.
Truly enjoyed this! I can vouch that these really do help us be productive homemakers.
So glad another homemaker finds morning habits helpful:)