July gardening can come with plenty of exciting changes and also some challenges. The gardens are ever changing this time of year and so much growth happens. My Summer gardens are looking rather happy and have had much growth. The gardens have also had some difficulties.

Let me share what is happening in my gardens in zone 4B.
First off, this garden season has been one like I’ve not recalled before. The Spring remained Springlike with cooler temperatures and plenty of rain for longer than we usually have. Many of the plants thrived with so much moisture, however some were not so fortunate.

Let’s start with the issues I’ve had, just to get those out of the way so we can talk about all the beautiful things happening. The beet and bean seeds I planted this year did not take or only a few grew. I even did a second planting of both, and they still chose not to grow. Usually I grow enough of each to preserve, but this year I will be finding another source for these two produce items. Sugar snap peas were another one that chose to not grow, which was rather unusual. We had some flooding happen and many rain down pours, which I think could have been a hindrance to these seeds not taking well.
Now to the exciting growth that is happening and the positives of my gardens! Let me start with the vegetable garden and then I’ll get to the cottage flower garden next.
Growth of the Vegetables
For mid-July, the gardens are green and luscious. All the rain in the Spring and June did help with keeping everything green.
In my back garden, the potatoes are beautiful with blossoms and very full. The small patch of carrots are slowly coming along, but I think they will get there. The sweet potatoes seem to be taking off more now that it has gotten warmer. I’m looking forward to there growth, as they are one of my favorite items to have in the garden.

Along our garage is our “side garden” as I call it. The corn just tastled and is putting silks on the ears. It did not grow as tall as it has in some years past, but I think the rain and cooler temps was part of that issue. Either way, fresh eating corn is always a joy to pick! I did plant my first picking of corn mid-May and then three weeks later put in a few more rows. Sweet corn does not last long enough, so I try to extend the season just a little by planting at different times.

The peppers and tomatoes are finally growing. They need heat for growth and just this past week, we finally got a steady heat wave. My onions look nice and healthy, so I’m hopeful for a good crop at the end of the Summer.

The last vegetable in the side garden are my cucumbers. They have plenty of blossoms right now and a few small cucumbers, so I should be able to get some produce in less than a week.

Oh, I can’t forget to mention my sunflowers that volunteer every year on the corner of my garden. They usually get ten feet tall and produce many sunflower heads. They are something I enjoy letting just come up as they add some beauty to the vegetable garden.

Aquaponics Garden
The aquaponics garden is having it’s best year yet! I’m not sure what it is, whether it’s having enough gold fish, having cooler weather or just because we are maintaing it more. Whatever the reason may be, everything that is growing in the grow beds is doing quite well.

The tomatoes have blossoms, the greens are full and lush (and are still producing since it has been cooler) and the celery loves where it’s growing. I do have some broccoli I tried in the grow beds, however they do not seem to be doing anything other than staying alive.
One complication we did run into was with our fish. We got fifty gold fish to put in the tanks and so far we have had about twenty die. The PH levels had been very inconsistant, so we think that was causing the fish deaths. Thankfully it has balanced out and have not had any more losses since.

Flower Garden
The small cottage flower garden is abundant! Each year in the Spring I go into gardening season thinking I need to add more flowers to fill it in. Then July comes around and I realize I actually need to give some of my flowers more space. I enjoy the whimsy and magical feel of my garden, however, I think it needs a little more structure.

My climbing rose on the arbor has grown twice as big as it every has. The blooms that came in June were vibrant and now it has just a few blossoms here and there. The daisies and bee balm are still blooming strong, but are on their way out. The cone flower is always a beauty to have. The tall standing tansy is a fun yellow bloom that I enjoy smattered througout my garden.

Truly, the cottage garden is doing so well, but as I look at it, I know there are changes that need to happen. I’m ready to take out much of my decorative grass, move the daisies from the front to the back for more height and continue to expand towards our garden shed. The hope with the rotting and damaged garden shed is to tear it down. In that open space then, I will add a small tool shed and continue my flowers in that direction. The beauty fo the garden that I really enjoy, will only be growing.
Shade Flower Garden
This area closest to our house is next to our crab apple tree and our small section of wood fence. It is visible from my kitchen, which I spend ample amount of time in, and right on our patio. It’s probably one of my favorite areas.

Flowers that I did not expect to grow well in shaded areas seem to do well. Phlox, black eyed susan and coneflower are two perennials that I added here that are seemingly thriving. Snap dragons It has some color in this garden then instead of just ornamental grasses, hostas and other green fillers.

Out to the gardens
I could keep sharing more on all the little things happening in the vegetable and flower gardens. Right now though, I’m going to enjoy being in my gardens and take in this season that goes way to fast.
Happy gardening!
Love you friends,
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