Being thrifty as a homemaker can be a wonderful way to create an inviting home and be frugal at the same time. Thrifting has a way of making us search for pieces we love and want in our homes.

Friends, I absolutely LOVE thrifting and rummaging! Finding someone else’s trash and turning it into a treasure is just amazing. I’ve found probably ninety percent of my home decor and furnishings second hand. There is just something about the thrill of the hunt paired with unique finds that make it worth it.
If you are looking for how to live a frugal lifestyle and not just in the decor area, you can find those tips here.
For this post, however, I want to share how you can be thrifty as a homemaker.
Be picky ~ Thrifty homemaker
I have learned over the years to be particular in what I purchase second hand or items on discount. If it is not an item I truly want to have in my home, then I will pass it up. Also, if any item has damage or needs more TLC than I have time to give, I will move on by. I do enjoy repurposing items or doing some DIY projects with pieces I’ve found, however, I pick what I want to spend my time on.

Check & recheck
If you want to truly be thrifty as a homemaker, going often and checking the stores is important. There may be an item you’ve had your eye on and are waiting for. Many thrift shops do colored sticker sales and rotate those per week or month. I have found several of my clothing and home decor pieces by going back week after week to see if those items are on a sale. Being patient and diligent can really pay off.

Shop your own home ~ Thrifty homemaker
One of the best ways to be thrifty as a homemaker is to shop your own home. We tend to forget that a little swap of an item from room to room can make a space look new and fresh. Do you have art work in a bedroom that would look lovely on a shelf in the bathroom? Maybe there is a chair in the basement that you want to bring out to the main living space. I recommend just giving it a try. Look around your home and see what you’ve got.

Sell it
Being thrifty as a homemaker can also come in the way of selling items. I have come to enjoy decluttering and making a little money off of those items I want to get rid of. Not all the things I purge can I sell, but if it has some value to it then I will list it on Facebook Marketplace. Home decor, clothing, kitchen items, kids toys, musical instruments, etc. These are all categories I have sold items in. It takes a little time, but once you’ve done a few, it gets easier.

Instill the habit ~ Thrifty homemaking
If you are not naturally oriented to being thrifty, then do your best to work on it. I try to always stop at a thrift store when I go to our local city. Yes I may have my three little kids with me, but I also want to instill thriftiness in them as well. All good things often take time, and thrifting is just part of that.
Well friends, I hope you can share in the experience of be a thrifty homemaker. It is a skill and habit that is worth the efforts and time. Your home and family will be all the better by you continuing or starting in the thrifty homemaker life.
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